Friday, 14 June 2013

ABC Challenge: W is for Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

~Pic Heavy Post~

I was discussing this challenge with Rara and said that I didn't really have many good ideas for 'W'. We were chatting about it and she came out with 'Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey' which, for those of you who don't know, is a Doctor Who reference. Part of me knew this was going to be ridiculously hard, but I like a challenge so agreed to give it a try. Apologies to the non Whovians amongst you, this one's going to get nerdy =p

Polishes used: Barry M-Blue Grape (the perfect TARDIS blue!), Revlon-Fire (for the all important bow tie) and the black and white Barry M pens. The 'panels' on the TARDIS were done with a mixture of Blue Grape and Barry M-Black. For the galaxy/space nails I used Rimmel-Midnight Blue for the base and then sponged on Barry M-Matte White, Barry M-Cobalt BlueBarry M-Navy and Barry M-Moondust

From thumb to little finger we have the new Doctor Who logo, number 11's bow tie (because 11 is my Doctor), a space/gradient scene because we all know the Doctor is a mad man in a box who goes flying around in space, Sexy, the type 40 TARDIS and another space scene because I tried to draw a sonic screwdriver and failed. I've done the same on my right hand but changed the thumb to say 'Doctor Who' (because my left hand isn't good at doing straight lines!)

Doctor Who Nail Art

Doctor Who Nail Art

Doctor Who Nail Art

Doctor Who Logo Nail Art

So there we have it, I'm a colossal nerd. A very happy one though, because I'm super pleased with these! If I could never take this mani off I'd still be happy with it-I love it! Sorry if you've never seen/don't like Doctor Who though, they probably won't make much sense to you, but that's OK.

And as a bonus measure, here's a picture of me running away with The Doctor himself (I WISH!):


~Nail Art Novice~

Don't forget to have a look at some of the other awesome 'W' designs:


  1. These nails are so cool! :)

  2. Dr. Who Mani? Brilliant!

    And you're absolutely adorable, to boot.

    Happy Weekend, Jenni!

    1. Aww, thankyou so much *blushes*

      Happy Weekend to you too! =D

  3. Just found your awesome Doctor Who mani on Pinterest :) Yay for fellow polish addicted Whovians!!! New follower here. <3

    1. *high five* haha
      Thanks for the follow =D

  4. I thought W was kind of hard too... the middle and pinky fingers could pass as galaxy nails too. High five for creativity that's for sure.

  5. Love these! I just can't get into Dr Who no matter how many times I try... But I respect your passion! Hahah. :)

    1. That's OK, I know it's not for everyone! Thanks =D

  6. Love the galaxy looking design you did on your middle and pinky fingers! :)

    1. Thankyou very much-I'd never realised how easy they were to do before =)

  7. I don't watch Doctor Who but I could totally recognise the ring finger!

    1. Haha, that's good then, means it looks like it's supposed to!


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